Over the last 12 months
We've supported {{ total_supported }} people across all our services
We have {{ total_services }} services across Aotearoa
Over the last 12 months, across all of our services, we’ve had {{total_number_of_contacts}} face to face and phone contacts with the {{ total_supported }} tāngata whai ora and taiohi we’ve supported.
How we supported them
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Pathways and Real stats
Where we
supported them
We’re now in 13 regions across Aotearoa and continue to develop our services to meet the needs of our communities.
Our stories
These are some of the stories of the people who use our services. The stories are about journeys, experiences and challenges. They’re about strength, motivation and inspiration.
We believe what we do now can have a life long impact. Through our diverse range of services Real supports young people, aged 12-24, to live full, hopeful and connected lives.
Age of taiohi we support
Join us
Join Pathways and become part of a passionate team supporting tāngata whai ora and taiohi to live full lives. Our Pathways’ whānau are valued, have purpose in their roles and opportunities to grow.